Immutable Arrays

Copy an array…

clone = array => [...array]

Add something to the end of an array…

push = array => [...array, thing]

Remove the last item in an array…

pop = array => array.slice(0,1)

…or the first item…

shift = array => array.slice(1)

or an item at a specific index…

delete = i => array => [...array.slice(0,i), ...array.slice(i+1)]

If you are unsure whether a method mutates or not then checkout

Thank you Luke Jackson.


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596 Hours Learning to Code

Total Days 365 Total Earned $6,675 I try and focus on one thing each year. First it was meditation, then it was swing dancing, one year I read a book a week, last year I tried to start a business a month. One year ago today, I decided to... Continue →